Friday, July 30, 2010

Manny Pacquiao should be blamed not Floyd Mayweather
's get your facts straight ... Floyd "Money" Mayweather is not ducking Manny "Pacman" shooting.
The fact of the matter is shooting, Arum Bob has never agreed to "a drug test randomly, without specifying a cut off date," Instead, they agreed to spare 14 days for a drug test Olympic style, so, this is why the fight did not get made.

Mani still do not want to take random blood tests that would cause if the fight was with EPO, steroids, or other illegal drugs to enhance performance.
Mani excuse for not taking the Olympic style random blood tests because he is afraid of needles and give blood very soon will weaken him before the war.
This indicates shooting mentally weak compared with that superstitious Floyd that the blood will weaken him in the battle when I have been medically proven that the small amount of blood will not make you weak before the war. But, it could be hiding something and do not want to be found out. Whatever the reason, is the main problem of the fighting does not happen.
People so quickly, Floyd Mayweather blame on everything but be careful what you wish for because it pissed Floyd Mayweather Jr. is not someone you want to be in the boxing ring with. Floyd Mayweather Jr., when the game can be mad with you in the worst way, and he'll take you in deep water and sinking your ass. Watch the demolition of it was what Diego Corrales and Arturo Gatti, boxing these men with great artistic and surprising part of the group to the punch.

Before those battles were people on the basis Diego "Chico" Corrales and Arturo "Thunder" Gatti, including to defeat Floyd Mayweather and Floyd pissed off, so he had to prove a point and he fired at them.
Diego Corrales was the baddest man in the superfeatherweight artist was the knockout which was the destruction of guys left and right and Floyd Mayweather as he is undefeated at that time. And when he ran for Floyd Corrales he toyed with him, and hit him, and not get hit, it was beautiful and very realistic, who would have thought you were watching the flash in there to Mayweather was quickly until he was able to land punches did not get hit. People were saying that Corrales would destroy Floyd, but it was Floyd, which devastated the artist Ku frightening that night and gave him his first loss. They said that Gatti Gatti Floyd bully but can not even come close to the distance or land a punch on one Floyd.
Floyd Mayweather never ducked anyone. Fought the best in his division, won the Prime Minister and fighters vanquished. Shooting has not been beaten undefeated fighters head or men is higher than ever before! All opponents of Manny hand fed to Freddie Roach and Arum Bob.
Fought Mani selected, and the depletion of guerrillas killed like, and Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, a paper champion David Diaz, war-torn Miguel Cotto, Ricky Hutton, Oscar De La Hoya, and all these men perish before the shooting and fighting against them now is Mani will work against Margarito Antonio, which was stopped Shane Mosley sugar, in the catchweight. Margarito another fighter designed specifically for shooting and fighting proves nothing.
The prime minister was only the highest combat shooting, which fought in his Juan Manuel Marquez and both times shooting has been given a gift when the decisions really lost those battles. It was Mayweather Look what Mayweather did to Marquez, he studies it, no problem with Marquez, while the shooting went through hell and back with Marquez, Juan Manuel Marquez and put on the boxing lesson against shooting Mani.
Floyd is not necessary to talk to the media about the Floyd Mayweather versus Manny Pacquiao negotiations failed again because this time were not there are negotiations, therefore, there is nothing to Floyd to talk about.
And the truth is not afraid of Manny Pacquiao Floyd. Floyd just want to clean up on the pitch, and if Manny takes drug tests randomly, without specifying a cut off date, then, Floyd Mayweather will tax ass.

Margarito agreed to combat shooting in 150

Margarito agreed to combat shooting in 150
Shooting against MargaritoWhen shooting against Margarito gloves rubbing each other on November 13, this game will be epic. But before that happens fighting combatants alike must conform to some items this is why the negotiations are still continuing. I read on some news sites that Antonio Margarito has agreed to meet the shooting catch weight of 150 pounds, or 4 £ 154 less than the limit. Margarito did not hesitate to approve the fishing weight 150 pounds, according to reports. Margarito was having difficulty in 147, but there is understanding on three extra pounds between the parties. Shooting also willing to fight Margarito from 147 up to 150 pounds on the weight, despite the advantage of high Mexican hero. Pacquiao said that he has no problem climbing on the weight to face Mexico. I also believe that what has been agreed Margarito catch weight of 150 because this is the war that really wants that to happen with really wants to combat shooting. Similarly, it is also the money is good for him, and this will be paid greater compensation has in his career. Another advantage is the presence of two fighters under one higher level meadows. There are several components in the mix against creating a major battle, and shooting against Margarito fight the features of a number of items that should make this one a classic. There is enough of a difference in the methods to make this something special. Who knows how to play this battle 4 years ago, but at the present time both fighters still have the speed and technical boxing, shooting, speed, pitch, and punching power, and aggressive puncher boxer who will come forward, and Margarito is big and strong, good power punching and difficult and assertive. You must be on a collision course to fight such as noise and the pressures and expectations for the two to meet with the building, that the funds involved would be good also to ignore. Now fans are excited to watch boxing shooting against Margarito this November. Stay tuned!

Manny Pacquiao vs Mayweather I’ll Finish Him

Sarangani Rep. Manny Pacquiao is set to receive the highest honors as Fighter of the Year and Fighter of the Decade from the Boxing Writers Association of America on June 4 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York.
“Manny will be leaving on June 1 for New York for the awarding ceremony,” Jake Joson, Pacquiao’s chief of staff told Yahoo! Southeast Asia in a phone interview, adding, “Manny’s fine now. After leaving the hospital, he even went to GMA 7 for a taping of his sitcom, Show Me da Manny”.
This will be Pacquiao’s third Fighter of the Year award from the BWAA, tying him with Muhammad Ali and Evander Holyfield, according to the BWAA website.
Pacquiao’s coach, Freddie Roach will likewise receive his fourth “Trainer of the Year” award.
“After the awarding, Manny will be watching the fight between Brooklyn’s Yuri Foreman and Puerto Rico’s Miguel Cotto on June 5 at the Yankee Stadium. Whoever wins the bout may be a possible match for Manny,” said Joson.
Joson related that Pacquiao will be having a weeklong vacation with his family in New York before returning to Manila for classes at the University of the Philippines Diliman and as a representative of his province Sarangani.
“Manny will be taking a two-month course sa Public Administration and Governance and will attend regular classes like any student,” said Joson.
By: Izah Morales

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Boxing’s superfight highly unlikely in 2010

The three in the morning on Saturday on the east coast when Bob Arum delivery of bad news. The President, 78 years) from the higher level, boxing promotional company senior, in a news conference in the middle of the night to tell the world that there is no agreement to Manny Pacquiao to fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. Floyd Mayweather camp has remained silent on the talks for superfights. (Click on image for more photos of boxing) (Jacobsohn grandfather / Getty Images)
So far.
Unfortunately, if there will be one, it will almost certainly not be until May 2011. The deadline imposed by the highest-ranking 23:59 Pacific on Friday, Mayweather to accept the offer on the table to battle with the November 13 shooting with a peep over the bullet Mayweather or his representatives. Other popular sports stories

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Deadline, "said Arum, is just the end of the exclusive negotiating period for a fight Mayweather, shooting.
He said work will begin later on Saturday to reach an agreement to fight a battle with archery Margarito Antonio both, the former World Boxing Organization welterweight in 2009 champion who was suspended from boxing for one year by the Commission on California sports state after encounter with plaster article like his hand slipped into the roll before the battle with Shane Mosley or Miguel Cotto.
Will not come anywhere close to the battle to create a kind of excitement and sizzle that would create a Mayweather fight, shooting. Mayweather liked them and the field of archery, the best two fighters and two of the biggest stars in the world wide margin.
Could have sold their fighting 3000000 pay-per-view purchase and make every man, up from 60 million dollars.
Shooting, going to have to take a big pay cut to fight either Margarito or Cotto, who can not God bless them. He probably will not provide any more than a quarter of what it would have made if the Mayweather fight, though Arum said the call would not discuss it only after talking with the shooting.
Possibility of a Mayweather fight is still shooting, may be one of the main reasons Arum struck a conciliatory tone in a non-normal on Saturday. He urged the media not to criticize against Mayweather failed to respond.
He speculated that the reason Mayweather may not want to take a decision after that because his uncle, Roger Mayweather, go to trial in a court room in Las Vegas on Aug. 2 on charges he assaulted female boxer trained once.
Roger Mayweather has trained his nephew in the first place over the past 10 years, and conjectured that Arum, Mayweather does not want to fight without his uncle is preparing for it.
"Without knowledge, and I am sure that there are very, very good reason that Floyd Mayweather and the lack of commitment to the battle at this time," Arum said, quietly. "I really, truly believe that. Now I'm speculating, but one reason could be uncertainty Roger Mayweather.
"People may not know Roger Mayweather is scheduled to go to court in Nevada on criminal charges. I know Manny does not want to go into battle without the services of Freddie Roach. Assumes, Floyd feels the same way about getting in a great battle for such services from without his uncle Roger. "
No one knows, though, because Mayweather silent. He has not spoken publicly about the possibility of shooting a battle for months. No advisor, Al Haymon, who engaged in negotiations with Arum strange in an attempt to make the fight despite the fact that men do not talk to each other.
[Photos: Latest work boxing]
HBO Sports president Ross Greenburg mediator. Arum and talk to Greenburg, Greenburg, and will carry a message for Arum Haymon. In turn, Greenburg then gave ideas Haymon to return to Arum.
Arum and Haymon was eventually to reach an agreement. Or at least they did Arum said on June 30, when he declared that there are no outstanding issues and that the only remaining question is whether Mayweather will fight, shooting in November or May 2011.
"I did not speak one of the side Mayweather and I did not occur Floyd Mayweather," said Arum. "I spoke only for Ross Greenburg, who I posted some of the things he received from talking to Haymon al Qaeda."
It does not matter if Arum agreed, or if approved by Greenburg, or if Haymon agreed. However, if the matter Mayweather agreed, unfortunately, not even the highest-ranking countdown duBoef like the president decided to start at the top of the company on Thursday to force him on a budget, or even to speak.
Arum said the deadline relating to the exclusive negotiating period with Mayweather, and thus the essence of the word, which lasted 50 minutes and that was a battle Mayweather could conceivably still happen this year. Do not bet on it, though.
And will speak with the promoter of shooting in the next few days to see who prefers shooting to fight. He would then begin to negotiate a contract with the discount option in the shooting. He said he believes he can reach an agreement with any of Cotto or Margarito within 10 days of the start of talks.
He said he'd be open to fight Mayweather Mayweather if it came to him and agreed to the deal before he got with any conditions or Margarito Couto, but he said that once he has a commitment from any of the Cotto Margarito or to move the battle with the shooting, and the battle of Mayweather, shooting for 2010 officially die.
Arum left open the door to a battle between two of May 2011, on the assumption shooting to win in November, a fight.
The whole thing felt a funeral on this topic.
Instead of seeing the biggest stars and the best two fighters in this sport to compete for the largest amount of money in boxing history, we will remain in the face of an exciting either the battle of one side or the bout against the man who was arrested in an attempt to load the roll of his hand.
He believed that listening to Arum speaks in a call to find out all of this, such as the issuance of this Boxing Colts' move in the middle of the night in 1984, from Baltimore to Indianapolis.
Will MGM Grand Garden Arena is almost certain to be a place to bouts with either Cotto or Margarito. Arum said he has a place in Monterrey, Mexico, Margarito lined up if you can not be able to obtain a boxing license in Nevada because of the accident, which occurred with the hand wraps.
If you choose to shooting against Cotto, it would be in either Las Vegas or the Cowboys Stadium in a suburb of Dallas.
As Arum ran through the options shooting without Mayweather, it occurred to me that, for the masses, it will be like trying to buy tickets for the series Sox Yankees Red with the title of division on the line in September and concludes with seats for the Pirates of the Astros, the game instead. It's not fair trade.
In boxing, it's usually fighters who have taken the punches, but do not see the battle of Mayweather, shooting in November is going to feel like a punch in the gut to tens of millions of boxing fans who were hoping that maybe, just maybe, boxing and the right to obtain them for change.

To our valued readers thank you for visiting the Mayweather vs Pacquiao blog

To our valued readers thank you for visiting the Mayweather vs Pacquiao blog, I hope you enjoy reading the latest news about the upcoming fight of Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. All opinions on this website is written by the blog owner and none of the contents or articles here copied or reproduced. Hope you'll back again to read more Mayweather vs Pacquiao updates. Add this blog to your Favorites Bookmark to be able to easily return to this blog immediately. Thank you. negotiations are still on-going between the fight of Pacquiao vs Mayweather who will set maybe this November 2010 for the biggest boxing fight in this decade. Pacquiao are now agree to take blood test 14 days before the fight versus Mayweather. The only left is Mayweather's camp to also agree to fight Pacquiao. With this result, a new boxing star was born, comparisons were starting to be made between Pacquiao vs Mayweather, and the thought of a mouth watering p4p showdown between the two was starting to seem all the more realistic.

Floyd, in his own mind was still the pound-for-pound king, believing Manny was merely keeping his seat warm until he decided to return. Pacquiao and his trainer Freddie Roach believed differently, and made huge statements by beating two of Mayweathers best wins in Hatton and Oscar, in brutal and dominating fashion. You can believe that Floyd was not just going to accept this and in retort returned to the ring to fight Juan Manuel Marquez, the p4p no.2 at the time, and shut him out for 12 rounds in a boxing masterclass.

People can argue about the validity of this win due to Marquez fighting at his career highest weight, but you need to remember, there was more to this fight than trying to beat an elite fighter, it was about making a statement, and what better way than doing it against the very man who arguably beat Pacquiao? In the buildup to a potential showdown, Pacquiao has good wins over Cotto and Clottey, whilst Mayweather has a convincing win over Shane Mosley.

Now with the welterweight division as good as cleared out, with just Manny and Floyd truly left to argue for the p4p king and no.1 welterweight crown, surely, they MUST be on a collision course to fight as the hype,pressure and expectation for the two to meet up is so huge, that the money involved would be too much to ignore? You'd certainly hope so, and without playing any blame game as to who's fault it is for the fight not happening, all I hope for is that they can both set aside their differences and make the fight happen, as we have not had the potential for such a huge fight since the days of Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler.

As to how I would see a Pacquaio vs Mayweather going down, I'm leaning slightly towards Floyd in a close and epic encounter. I believe that Floyds defense, footwork, speed and counter punching skill would be the deciding factor, with Pacquiaos explosive speed, power and amazing stamina giving Mayweather a hard time early on and having moments throughout, with Floyd ultimately pulling out enough to get the win. The main reason that I see this happening is because Pacquiao hasn't fought a true boxer since Juan Manuel Marquez, and whilst I think Manny has improved alot since then, Mayweather should have enough to be able to outbox him. Well let's all find out.

Pacquiao to Mayweather: I’ll Finish Him

Pacquiao to Mayweather: I’ll Finish Him

Mayweather vs Pacquiao
Mayweather vs Pacquiao

“I’ll finish him off,” these were the strong words of Manny PacquiaoFloyd Mayweather after Mayweather defeated Shane Mosley last May 1st in Las Vegas. Pacquiao saw on television Shane Mosley’s right punch that staggered and almost knockdown Mayweather in the second round.

What surprised the pound-for-pound king was the failure of Mosley to follow it up, allowing Mayweather to recover and eventually dominate him the rest of the 12-round battle. I think Mosley is already exhausted after throwing so many punches and he unable to finish Mayweather.

Pacquiao said “If I can hit Mayweather like that, I will finish him off. I will attack until Mayweather is knockout.” Well if that really happens then the undefeated record of Mayweather is also knockout. THis is everybody want to see the Mayweather vs Pacquiao match.

Pacquiao, the pound-for-pound king, has the figures to support his claim. Meanwhile, the Mayweather-Mosley tussle fell short of the pay-per-view expectations of its promoters. According to Kevin Iole of, initial reports indicate that the fight generated 1.1-1.2 million buys, way off to the original projections of from 1.5-4 million buys. I think some of the fans didn't watch the fight because they were already knew whose going to win on that fight, or maybe they're are not interested anymore and they want to see Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight. I know that Mayweather vs Pacquiao will definitely create a new record for PPV buys if they face each other.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Future Match

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Future Match

Mayweather vs 

Mayweather vs Pacquiao

Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, the crowned pound for pound king and the best in the world, said after his last fight against Clottey that the next opponent that he wants to fight on the ring will be the undefeated Floyd “Pretty Boy” Mayweather Jr. not the first rumored opponents Antonio Margarito or Juan Manuel Marquez again. He also believe that the undefeated, fast and furious defender “Pretty Boy” will win against Mosley on the Mayweather vs Mosley “Who R U Picking” match last May 1st. If in case that this will be pursued and agreed upon by the two camps, and if they addressed the issue of drug testing before and after the fight will be solve, then mega fight tentative schedule for the said Mayweather vs Pacquiao match will be on November of this year.

I think Mayweather needs to face Pacquiao next to settle who's really the best pound-for-pound boxer in the world today and to finished all about this issue. He should prove to the boxing fans world wide that he is still the same “Pretty Boy” boxer that they’ve seen on his peak years. Well if this will happen in the future, I am sure PPV and tickets earnings will surely be one of the top grosser of all boxing fights in the world. Lots of Boxing fans want to Watch Mayweather vs Pacquiao Online also. Both of the fighter, their trainers, and coaches will earn them millions of dollar. Later, I will update this blog for more news about this Mayweather vs Pacquiao upcoming match.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mayweather vs Pacquiao: Latest News & Updates Mayweather up against fight deadline

Bracing for the increasing likelihood that Floyd Mayweather Jr. will not fight Manny Pacquiao in November, Pacquiao’s adviser has met with Top Rank promoter Bob Arum in Las Vegas to look over alternative plans.

While awaiting Mayweather’s decision — Arum told that Friday is the deadline — Michael Koncz and Arum on Monday discussed proposals for Pacquiao to fight former welterweight titlist Antonio Margarito or face Miguel Cotto in a rematch in the event Mayweather declines the Nov. 13 fight


“We’re ready to go on with the Mayweather fight,” Arum said, “but we have to make contingency plans just in case and I don’t really want to talk about that too much. But Mayweather has until the end of the week. He could wait until the last minute. If it’s Friday and it’s 11 p.m., and he says we have a deal, we have a deal.”

Arum and Koncz said they were hopeful Mayweather would accept the deal, but that they had to be prepared in the event he doesn’t. Arum has said for weeks that Mayweather’s camp has a contract for the fight and that Pacquiao has accepted the terms, including provisions for drug testing (blood and urine) leading up to the bout.

When Pacquiao and Mayweather were negotiating during December and January for a fight in March, the talks fell apart when they could not come to an agreement on drug testing protocol.

Pacquiao then went on to easily outpoint Joshua Clottey to retain his welterweight title in March, while Mayweather dominated Shane Mosley in May.

“We’re waiting on Floyd,” Arum said. “He might not want to fight again this year. If he wants to say, ‘See you next year,’ there’s always next year. But I don’t think we can’t wait much longer for him to make up his mind because if we do the fight we want to make it as big as we can make it, and that takes time. I think Floyd will give us the courtesy of a response one way or the other. What that response will be, I really don’t know.

“That’s the fight we want and that’s the fight we’re in for, but if we can’t do that fight there are other opponents.”

Koncz and Arum wouldn’t go into specifics of the terms on the table for the fight with Mayweather but Koncz said “a 50-50 deal was proposed and there was no argument against it.”

Pacquiao’s trainer, Freddie Roach, recently said that if the bout does not happen, Cowboys Stadium would host a Nov. 13 bout between Pacquiao and an undetermined opponent.

Koncz said Pacquiao wants to fight Mayweather, which would match the universally regarded top two fighters in boxing and one many believe would set pay-per-view and revenue records, but is prepared to move on.

“We don’t know what Mayweather is going to do. Last week, I had dinner with Cotto in Puerto Rico to see where he stands and he’s willing and able to do a rematch with Manny,” Koncz said. “Bob and I have spoken about both fights, Cotto and Margarito. Manny asked me to get proposals from Bob on both fights, so that’s what I am doing.

“We haven’t heard back from Floyd yet and if we don’t in the next few days, we will enter into a deal with one of the other fighters. Bob and I have spoken about both Cotto and Margarito. We will have a done deal and a signed contract for a fight by the end of this month, whoever it’s against — Mayweather, Cotto or Margarito.”

Pacquiao’s victory against Cotto netted him a title in a record seventh weight division. If he fights either Cotto or Margarito, Arum said Pacquiao will move up to the 154-pound junior middleweight division and fight for a belt in a record-extending eighth weight class. Pacquiao has already won titles at 112, 122, 126, 130, 135, 140 and 147 pounds.

If Pacquiao were to fight Cotto, Arum said he would challenge for Cotto’s WBA belt. After the loss to Pacquiao, Cotto bounced back by moving up in weight and stopping Yuri Foreman on June 5 to win a junior middleweight belt.

If Pacquiao were to fight Margarito, Arum said they would meet for the vacant WBC version of the title, which Sergio Martinez relinquished after he won the middleweight championship in April.

A potential fight with Margarito, however, is complicated by the fact that he is not licensed in the United States because of the 2009 scandal in which he attempted to wear loaded hand wraps for his eventual knockout loss to Mosley. Nevada regulators tabled Margarito’s application for a license last week and said it would not vote on it until Margarito first went before the California commission that revoked his license after last year’s incident.

Arum and Koncz both said that if the Margarito fight comes to fruition and he is still unlicensed in the United States, they would consider an international location.

“It would be nice to have the fight in Las Vegas, but we can fight anywhere,” Koncz said.

Pacquiao’s 12th-round knockout win against Cotto drew 1.25 million pay-per-view buys and generated $70 million in domestic television revenue. However a rematch, or one with Margarito, would probably be more of a hard sell compared to one with Mayweather. The hand-wrap scandal has tarnished Margarito’s reputation. Pacquiao’s fight with Cotto did big business but it had a definitive conclusion and a rematch is not a fight that fans are demanding.